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Jan 3, 2023

Our culture tends to make exercise all about burning calories and losing weight, which aren’t very good motivators for sticking with it long-term. When we approach exercise from a mindset of shame and punishment, it actually makes us NOT want to do it.


However, if we shift our reasons for moving our bodies it can open the door to a much more peaceful and enjoyable relationship with exercise. In this episode I’m going to be sharing 3 strategies to help you move away from using calories, weight and appearance as your motives, so that you can explore ways of moving your body that you might not have ever considered before. 


I’m also introducing a new segment into the podcast called Wellness Woo, where I do a quick breakdown of something that diet and wellness culture tell us we should do for our “health” that’s not evidence-based or legit. It’s going to be a fun way to learn the history of some of the whacky wellness stuff we hear all the time. If you have an example of Wellness Woo you can email it to me at


Give it a listen and let me know what you think!


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