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Sep 26, 2023

Let me ask you this: If you could go back and give your past self a piece of advice about your eating or about how you felt about your body, what would it be? 

For me, it would be to not be so hard on myself about my eating and my body, and to not encourage others to diet in the name of “health” - because it turns...

Sep 19, 2023

What goes through your mind when you see a picture of yourself? Do you think, “Oh my gosh, I can’t believe that’s how I look! How horrifying!” If so, this episode is for you.

This is a really common struggle, and I think it’s safe to say that we’ve all seen photos of ourselves that we don’t like, but...

Sep 12, 2023

If you ever feel guilty for eating certain foods, this episode is for you. It’s so frustrating to go back and forth between not letting yourself have foods you like, and then giving in and letting yourself eat it, only to feel guilty afterwards. But what if it didn’t have to be that way? 


It doesn’t. And in this...

Sep 5, 2023

Finding freedom with food isn’t about eating donuts and pizza all day. It’s about living LIFE more fully and stepping away from the constant thoughts and obsession about food, calories, weight loss, and all the things that dieting makes us stressed about. 

In this episode I’m sharing 4 deeper and unexpected ways...