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Apr 26, 2022

Just find something you like. ‘Do you like doing what you're doing?’ 'No, not really.' Well, find something you like doing, something that's fun. So just changing that up because again, depending on the person, they may take that whole joyful thing, like snowflakey and that kind of thing.”

Body image is...

Apr 19, 2022

It takes a lot to unlearn all the stuff that we've been taught in the past. It takes some research, but also, you just got to continually work on your head. And I know if you've got a fixed mindset, it's not going to change.” 


Do you ever think about how words have a big impact on little children? Karen Rich...

Apr 12, 2022

In this episode, I will share with you what I would do differently if I were starting over, knowing what I know now. Having worked with hundreds of clients and doing this for over a decade, I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t for people. If I know then what I know now, my journey would’ve been easier and less...

Apr 5, 2022

“What I learned about my relationship with food was how disordered it was. And I learned about how I had treated my body so badly because I didn't love it. I didn't appreciate it. And when I say I learned, I treated my body badly. It wasn't like somebody shamed me into that it was a realization, it was an awakening,...